"Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, 
 may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
  - Unknown

Departed 16/03/2011

A man of few words..... and a thousand words!

I couldn't think of any words more apt to describe Chan than the above which, to me, are reflective of someone who is knowledgeable yet humble. 

When I first met Chan more than 20 years ago during one of the MNS trip, he came across as the strong, silent type.  A man with a serious demeanor when he was not smiling or animatedly talking, he was not somebody that you would approach in the first instance.  But after our first few trekking trips together, although he still wasn’t much of a talker, he showed himself to be a responsible, helpful guy and once we got to know him better, he became the person for whom our respect was without reservation.  When part of a group, he would start off more as an observer rather than participant, until he was asked for his opinion on the topic in hand.  But once he got started, there would be no stopping him!  :D 

In other words, he was not the type who would dominate a conversation to show his know-all, unless he was pulled in.  But it doesn’t matter to the rest of us because whatever was the topic of discussion, he was able to offer an opinion and to back them up with facts and stats, and all we could do was take our hats off to him for his vast knowledge.   A man full of interest to know what makes the whole world ticks, he liked to keep himself updated by reading up on all sorts of materials, be in the sciences, politics, DIY, health and whats-not.  Like our other dear belated friend, Heah, Chan was also a very good cook and a capable DIY person. 

Lending a helping hand
He was a loyal friend, always reliable whenever help was needed so whenever we go on a particularly tough or unknown trek, our confidence would doubled should he came along.  One of the fittest guys among us, Chan was always obliging and carrying more than his fair share of the communal load.  During a few of our trips, when somebody got into trouble and needed help, he would always be one of those who would stay behind to lend the helping hand. 

A kind, humble man who was always respectful of the elder and a true blue family man who took good care of his family and made sure that he was home every day after work to cook dinner for them, it left an ache in the heart of his loved ones and all his friends that God should decide to have him by His side so soon.  Maybe God has other plans for him, and one of them was for him to serve as a reminder to the rest of us to not take for granted what are around us but to take a step back now and then to appreciate those around us and to take care of ourselves, if not for ourselves, then for our loved ones.
In his trademark trekking outfit

To his wife, our dear friend Kwee Eng, be comforted that Chan was much-loved and respected by all those whose life he touched, not just his siblings for whom he was the pillar, but also his close MNS friends and he will be dearly missed.  And we hope, over time, his sons will emulate all the good qualities that their father stood for.

20 March 2011