Toilets - the one item whose reputation precedes it well and was proven right. 

Having been to the outskirts of China and having 'patronised' some of its primitive toilets, I thought I would be well prepared for what to expect during our overland journey from Lhasa to EBC.  

'Do not judge a book by its cover', so neither should you assume the inside of the toilets is ok from its exterior - because they look ok, right?

Was I in for a surprise!   

The first one that hit me stank to high heaven, leaving me feeling paranoid over the duration of journey.  I ate just enough, not full, and was also very careful what I ate so as to avoid having to do the long call...

Avoiding the need to make the long call in these toilets became such an obsession with us that whenever we checked into a decent hotel, the first thing we greeted each other the next morning at breakfast after asking "how was your headache?", was "did you manage to do it", or "got good news?"  Meaning, did you do the long call?   And if you do, you got the envious look from those who can't because it meant for the rest of the day, you don't have to worry about having to spend more time than necessary inside one of these toilets below - and these are the better ones!

You wouldn't want to spend more time than necessary inside one of these!
We always sent the braver ones to check out the 'holes' first...

May 2014

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